
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Statistics Show Workplace and Oilfield Injuries In Oklahoma Are On The Rise

Based on statistics, going to work may just be the most dangerous thing a person can ever do.

According to a joint press release issued by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010, there are approximately 270 million non-fatal workplace injuries that occur every year.

Depending on the severity of their injury, those 270 million workers often miss, at the very least, three days off work. If you look at it individually, three days might seem like a short time, however, interpreted collectively its effects are strongly felt by the 4 percent loss in the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Read more from this blog:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Stressed Out Claimants? Here’s Some Advice on What to Do from a Personal Injury Lawyer in Oklahoma

There’s no denying that participation in any type of legal proceeding can cause a great deal of stress on anybody. And as a medical study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information has found out, even more so if you’re involved in a personal injury case. Read more from this blog:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Medical Malpractice Lawyers and How They can Help You Pursue Your Case

It’s difficult enough having to deal with an illness or injury, but it becomes all the more painful when the doctor you entrusted your health and wellness to is the one who puts you at risk. Although doctors are only human like the rest of us, they are held to higher standards because they are entrusted with human lives.

When they fail to exercise due diligence in their line of work, they may cause serious injury, or even death. Should this occur, it is important that you seek the help of medical malpractice lawyers in Oklahoma as soon as possible.

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Oklahoma Car Accident Laws: A Primer from Your Personal Injury Attorney

Being involved in an accident is never in one’s to-do-list. However, certain circumstances simply make it unavoidable sometimes, leading to a variety of consequences ranging from mild disturbance to serious physical injuries and property damage.

Dealing with a car accident in Oklahoma is a lot more complicated than you might think. It’s not simply about exchanging insurance details with the parties involved. Sometimes, it can lead to a personal injury claim before the courts.

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Friday, February 17, 2017

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Receive Just Compensation

Personal injury is the case you can file if you become injured due to another person’s carelessness or negligence. It covers incidents such as vehicular accidents, medical malpractice, or even wrongful deaths.

It need not necessarily be directly inflicted to you by another person, but rather, it can also be brought upon you even without anyone having a direct hand in it.

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Various Scenarios Can Prompt You to Seek Professional Help from a Personal Injury Lawyer

An accident is never something you want to experience. Not only does it put your life and health at risk, it also results in a lot of expenses, ranging from repairs and property damage to medications and treatment, even to lost wages if the injury is severe.

Although you will understandably be focused on getting better, you still should not neglect one important aspect of your accident: holding the responsible party accountable. Here are some situations that likely necessitate the presence of a personal injury lawyer from Oklahoma.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wrongful Death Lawyer Explains What to Expect in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A wrongful death claim is a civil action unique in the sense that it is the representative of the deceased that files it before the courts. Family members or estate representatives seek recompense from the party who caused the wrongful death, either through negligence or deliberate intent to harm.

What makes this case different from seeking justice through a criminal procedure is that a wrongful death claim focuses more on those who were left behind. The deceased may have been the breadwinner and with his or her death, the family loses its main source of financial sustenance. It could also be that the deceased was a single parent taking care of children. The children, represented by their legal guardian, can make a claim for wrongful death.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Different Elements that will Require You to Seek Help from a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Every time you go to the hospital for medical care, it is reasonable to expect that doctors and nurses would know how to do their jobs properly. After all, your life and your well-being depend on them. Sometimes, however, even doctors make mistakes which puts patients in harm.  In one of the researches on the matter published in 2016 in the BMJ, medical errors rose to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States, ranking third after heart disease and cancer.

If you think you may have suffered injury due to the negligence of medical practitioners, then you can file a lawsuit with the help of a medical malpractice attorney. That is not to say that proving medical malpractice is easy; it is up to you and your lawyer to prove that all the elements which define medical malpractice are present.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Oklahoma Car Accident Lawyer Offers Advice on How to Deal with Road Accidents

Someone should be held responsible for a car accident. It could be a driver distracted by his phone, or it could be due to a mechanical problem or faulty vehicle parts. Unintentional as it may be, the victim still has the right to seek recompense from whoever is at fault.

The process can be long and tedious especially if the liable party refuses to cooperate and assume responsibility. The victim will be keen on getting financial relief particularly if their injury prevents him from working.

At this time, an Oklahoma car accident lawyer can help the victim iron things out and expedite the process of obtaining proper compensation. Here are some of the steps you need to take for filing a personal injury claim.

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Obtain Compensation After an Accident in Oklahoma City

Car accidents can have adverse effects on your health and finances. Depending on the severity of your injury, you can come out of a car accident with but a few minor cuts and bruises, a simple fender bender, or a full on debilitating condition that renders you permanently disabled..

If you find yourself in this situation, hiring a car accident lawyer serving Oklahoma City and elsewhere is necessary. They can assist you in filing a personal injury claim in order to receive just compensation. Here is an overview the common tasks that a lawyer can help you with when seeking recompense from the responsible party.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Slip and Fall Lawyer on How to Deal with Filing for Compensation and Damages

Accidents happen in life, and that’s a fact. When accidents result in serious physical injury, property damage, or even fatalities, one should become more concerned. If it’s directly caused by another person, then it is easier to assign accountability. But in some cases, there is no one individual that you can clearly pin the blame on because nobody else was there when it happened.

This latter scenario is best exemplified by slips and falls. It happens rather often, such as in office hallways, construction works in the road, and maybe even right inside somebody’s backyard. The victim loses footing and balance, and finds himself splayed out on the floor in pain.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Seeking Personal Injury Compensation for Oilfield Injuries You Have Sustained

Workplace injuries can usually be expected in environments that involve construction, mechanical, or laboratory work. In other cases, however, the risk becomes a lot higher because of the location of the job itself.

Oilfield work, for example, is considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs, due to the presence of hazardous chemicals, fumes, and equipment. That’s why it’s very important for companies to guarantee the welfare and safety of their people. Otherwise, oilfield injuries among Oklahoma workers and elsewhere are going to be off the charts.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Instances When You will Need to Acquire the Services of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer can go a long way in helping you win a personal injury claim. The time that you will spend recuperating means time away from work. This in turn will significantly limit the flow of income while the costs of treatments and medication continue to pile up. Being unable to work justifies the need to obtain compensation from the person responsible for the accident as soon as possible.

Here are some of the cases that would definitely require you to get the services of a personal injury lawyer.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Important Role Your Personal Injury Lawyer Has in Resolving Your Case

There are many different kinds of personal injuries, ranging from vehicular accidents and workplace injuries to medical malpractice and even wrongful death. Regardless of the type, it’s important for you to seek the help of an Oklahoma personal injury lawyer so that you can get the just compensation you deserve.

There shouldn’t be any question as to the importance of having your own lawyer. For further clarification as to how exactly your lawyer can help you with your personal injury case, here are some of the tasks that they can assist you with.

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